Monday, April 13, 2009

I - Weekly Roadshow @ Parkway Parade!

The All-New I-Weekly staged Island-wide Roadshows recently at various parts of Singapore!

Very honored and HAPPY to be the host at Parkway Parade as I had a super fun time!

A big thank you to some of our 972 listeners for specially making the trip down to Parkway Parade to support!

The stage is set for Mediacorp Stars & Artistes to come to Parkway Parade for the meet-and-greet session!

Jeff warming up the crowd. Preparing them for the arrival of their idols!

Here they are! Microphone Passing time!

The Artistes - Joshua Ang , Ann Kok , Rayson Tan with Jefffffff :)

Its time for Audience Participation and Stage Games!

Chen Tai Ming (Rayson) spice things up on stage with "GROWL!"

Ann Kok and Contestant Squaring off in Mega-Size Scissors, Paper, Stone!

Ann Kok wins Contestant in this round!

Artistes saying their goodbyes and best wishes for All-New I-Weekly! :)

With the artistes gone, lonely Jeff goes back to holding microphone and talk talk on the street!

Had a really fun time! How i wish these events happen every weekend!


katherine said...

Hi Jeff I saw in these photograghs that you indeed had enjoy hosting outdoor show and I am sure you also host them well like you had in the radio station.Wish you all the best for great oppotunity to hold more shows!

Seatherinea said...

Jeff ... i was wondering ..
if you have a event every week ..
you will be super tired la ...

cause every week have to rush here and there ... some more ... not everyday has a good weather .. so ... hope you will do well =) ...

sweetie mummy said...

Hi Jeff,

hosting event is not easy. from your photographs, I can tell that u enjoyed that very much.

Do take care also.

Anonymous said...


i already make appointment with xiumei to visit her tis sat.

u want to come along?


ren said...


Anonymous said...

u r really hamesome~~~
r u still single~~~
u being sex~~~
do u wan 2 sex with me~~~
i'm so love u~~~
how old r u~~~
i'm 18~~~

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff.

I am surprised n laughted at Reader Comment dated 30th April 2009 at 10.36pm.

It is so humerous n so open minded.